Integrations with HubSpot - collect your data
Why use HubSpot integrations?
Different levels of integrations:
Are integrations built by HubSpot, including Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Analytics, that can be connected to your Hubspot portal with a single click. They are free of charge and can be implemented quickly.
Are Integrations already built by a third party, such as Zapier or a software development company specializing in integrations. They require some level of configuration but can usually be implemented much faster and cheaper than a custom integration. Third-party integrations are particularly common for more popular systems within CRM, sales, marketing, service and finance. They can also be used as a migration tool if the integration only needs to run for a short transition period. For example, you might run your marketing initiatives in MailChimp and use HubSpot for sales. These integrations typically take a few days from initial planning to final implementation.
Are unique integrations with no existing code, including niche systems for the Danish market and a company’s own systems. The integration between them and HubSpot typically requires some planning, while the integration is slightly more resource-heavy. However, the value of linking data from critical systems such as an ERP or the company's own SaaS product often makes the investment worthwhile. Custom integrations might also be necessary if data needs to be integrated from common systems in a unique way, which existing third-party integrations can’t accommodate, for example, if "Custom Objects" are used in HubSpot.

Our process for a HubSpot integration looks like this:
Did you know that you can apply for funding for your integration project?